
Thank You Everyone!

I want to thank all the people who wished me well, and gave me support since my illness. People who only knew me from my writings here, and people who are closest to me. Let me tell you that I am slowly gaining strength , and hope by spring I will be almost normal again. Let's hope that we have an early spring and get rid of all this snow!

My love to my girls for all their help and encouragement! I don't know what I would do without them both.

Hope everyone liked the new children's story I wrote for the grandkids. I know they loved it!


♥Caroline♥ said...

I love you and i don't know what i would do without you! Keep up the good work and before you know it you will be running around the block..lol lots of love caroline

wendy said...

I couldn't live without my Mom she is the glue that holds me together.she is my presous.love you alway Dear Mommy..