
Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Holiday everyone! We spent some time on Saturday re-scheduling our picnic with the family from at the park to our house early Saturday morning after waking up to thunder showers!

We had the whole car packed and ready to go when the storm blew in. Instead I had the whole family come over my house to eat. Luckily the storm paused for a little while so I could grill the burgers outside instead of having to make them on the stove. The kids all came over and it was nice, but not as nice as at the park.

The Hubby and Me just took it easy today and we grilled two half chickens for dinner and roasted baked potatoes. It was mmmm mmm good! Even the neighbors next door were grilling burgers and dogs at their yard with their son and grandkids. We had our stereo playing a tape of Hank Williams Jr.'s music, and to our surprise, the new neighbor lady and her husband yelled over, that they love his music too! They where standing by the fence listening to the tunes, and singing along! We do the same, every time he sings a lot of his Dad's Oldies but goodies , those songs like Jumbolia, and Kalijia, and Your Cheating Heart! (oops, hope I spelled them right) I remember my Momma jumping and floating to them, and singing her heart out to the same songs while working around the house when I was a kid, very happy memories,.... Memories of days gone by....... Remember all the others , loved ones who have past, and honor them today... I know I have.

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